A delicious salad recipe I found in the Revive Café Cookbook Edition 6 by Jeremy Dixon. I made it over the Christmas period and it went down well.
Broccoli sprouts contains a compound called sulforaphane. They contain up to 100 times more sulforaphane than normal broccoli.
Kick-start your day with a green smoothie or enjoy it as a snack to keep you feeling refueled and to help you detoxify your liver.
Lack of exercise, overeating, and poor food choices such as fast foods, sugary snacks or excess caffeine or alcohol, all contribute to insulin resistance. Stress can play a role too.
Recipe for a warming winter curry with mushrooms. Taking the seasons and your constitution into consideration, you can help your body to digest food more efficiently.
Chewing is a free and easy way to get the full benefit of the food you eat. Your body will thank you and you will feel better for it.
As we move into the cooler months, our needs for warming foods become greater. Here’s a recipe for a nutritious warming venison stew.
We often talk about following our intuition. What exactly is it? It’s our inner knowing, our connection to the truth and what feels right for us.
Taking the time to receive a Reiki treatment allows us to relax and our bodies to heal.
Find out how best you can support your liver. Lower your intake of toxins and flush stored toxins safely with a detox.
You’ve been diagnosed with coeliac disease or you have been advised to do an elimination diet by a nutritionist or dietician. What do you do?
You’ve been diagnosed with coeliac disease or you have been advised to do an elimination diet by a nutritionist or dietician. What do you do?
Lentils are high in protein, folate, fibre, iron, potassium and manganese. Great food for the gut bugs and have been shown to lower cholesterol levels.
We should be getting five to seven servings a day of vegetables. One serving is about the size of your palm. Even as a nutritionist, I have to work hard at ensuring that I have a good intake of these nutrient dense foods every day.
Research has shown that lack of sleep is a key lifestyle factor that will determine whether you will get Alzheimer’s or not. Going without sleep for a week would affect your blood sugars to such an extent that you would be classified as pre-diabetic.
To heal, the body needs be in a parasympathetic dominant state, which is our rest and digest mode. Reiki helps us switch to this mode, which facilitates the healing process.
Fasting is an ancient tradition that has been around for eons and the amount of research into the benefits of fasting has increased vastly. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself, if we allow it too. Generally we eat too much and too often and we choose the wrong foods.
Many of my clients don’t realise they are stressed. They see it as just part of life, or they don’t acknowledge the stressful situations they find themselves in. Often they just soldier on. Unfortunately this doesn’t change the internal dialogue that is going on at a conscious or unconscious level.
Are the days of a settled, flat tummy without pain a distant memory? We all experience digestive upsets occasionally, but if it’s not the norm, this may indicate that you have something called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is believed that between 15 to 20% of New Zealanders suffer from this condition.
IBS affects around one in seven New Zealanders. It’s likely that you have friends or family that suffer from this frustrating and embarrassing condition.
Quinoa provides a wide range of amino acids, which support muscle development, immunity and other essential functions.
Reaching out to a qualified counsellor/coach can be helpful during these challenging life events. A trained professional is not connected to your life in anyway and is able to listen without judgement or bias.
My go-to recipe for a quick nutritious dessert. Chia Seed Berry Blast – packed with good fats, vitamins, iron, iodine, magnesium, manganese, niacin, thiamine, antioxidants and fibre.