Mushroom Curry Recipe
Recipe for a warming winter curry with mushrooms. Taking the seasons and your constitution into consideration, you can help your body to digest food more efficiently.
Let’s Talk Gut Health
Chewing is a free and easy way to get the full benefit of the food you eat. Your body will thank you and you will feel better for it.
Slow Cooked Plum Venison Stew Recipe
As we move into the cooler months, our needs for warming foods become greater. Here’s a recipe for a nutritious warming venison stew.
Let’s Talk Liver Detoxification
Find out how best you can support your liver. Lower your intake of toxins and flush stored toxins safely with a detox.
Let’s Talk Gluten Free
You’ve been diagnosed with coeliac disease or you have been advised to do an elimination diet by a nutritionist or dietician. What do you do?
Gluten Free Curried Lentil Recipe
Lentils are high in protein, folate, fibre, iron, potassium and manganese. Great food for the gut bugs and have been shown to lower cholesterol levels.
Power Salad Recipe
We should be getting five to seven servings a day of vegetables. One serving is about the size of your palm. Even as a nutritionist, I have to work hard at ensuring that I have a good intake of these nutrient dense foods every day.
Is Intermittent Fasting Good for Us?
Fasting is an ancient tradition that has been around for eons and the amount of research into the benefits of fasting has increased vastly. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself, if we allow it too. Generally we eat too much and too often and we choose the wrong foods.
Are You Suffering from IBS?
Are the days of a settled, flat tummy without pain a distant memory? We all experience digestive upsets occasionally, but if it’s not the norm, this may indicate that you have something called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is believed that between 15 to 20% of New Zealanders suffer from this condition.
Let’s Talk Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS affects around one in seven New Zealanders. It’s likely that you have friends or family that suffer from this frustrating and embarrassing condition.
Low FODMAP Quinoa and Roasted Pumpkin Pecipe
Quinoa provides a wide range of amino acids, which support muscle development, immunity and other essential functions.
Chai Seed Berry Blast
My go-to recipe for a quick nutritious dessert. Chia Seed Berry Blast – packed with good fats, vitamins, iron, iodine, magnesium, manganese, niacin, thiamine, antioxidants and fibre.
Still Fatigued After Your Holiday?
We all feel tired from time to time, that’s a normal part of life. However, ongoing fatigue can be an insidious beast and over time it can become the norm for many people. If you are one of those people that find themselves drowsy during the day, having difficulty concentrating, experiencing brain fog or wanting…
Is Detox the Answer?
Beyond the hype and trendy headlines, detoxification is real and involves many biochemical processes. Detoxification is a normal part of our daily internal housekeeping.
Adzuki and Quinoa Delight
Adzuki beans are high in antioxidants, which are helpful in fighting disease and are health promoting. Quinoa is high in protein and contains all the essential amino acids.
How to Survive Christmas and Thrive
Are we trying to live up to unrealistic expectations of creating a ‘perfect’ Christmas? Should we rather be keeping things simple and enjoying our time with our family and friends? Are we being sucked in by all those ‘fabulous’ marketing campaigns? Christmas is a tradition that is religious for some. For others it may be…
Naturally Infused Water Recipe Ideas
This is a great way of staying hydrated and still enjoying a libation during the holiday period, particularly since many people don’t like the taste of plain water. Infused water is really easy to make and is a much better option than sugary fruit juices, sodas or artificial sweetened beverages.
Avocado Chocolate Mousse
Avocado chocolate mousse is a healthy gluten and dairy recipe. It’s easy and quick to make. It’s difficult to resist. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Do you Have a Food Allergy, Food Intolerance or Food Sensitivity
When I was growing up, I don’t remember many of my friends or their family members being allergic, intolerant or sensitive to different types of food. Fast forward 40 years and you are likely to hear about people with allergies, intolerances and food sensitivities or you may have them yourselves.
Turmeric Chicken Broth Recipe
In Chinese medicine, winter is the time to take care of your adrenal glands. Adrenal glands are found just above your kidneys and help you to respond to stress appropriately. They may be small but they make and release many hormones that circulate through your blood and influence many aspects of your health.
What is the Gut Microbiome
Mainly made up of bacteria, some fungi, viruses and protozoa, we have developed a mutually beneficial relationship with our microbes that function together in an ecosystem. This is our Mocrobiome.
Sugar… Friend or Foe
As a nutritionist, I was taught that sugar’s nutritional value is zero, so the question needs to be raised. Why do we eat so much of it?
Gut-soothing Ginger and Slippery Elm Tea
Slippery elm and ginger have been used for centuries to reduce inflammation and improve gut health.
Is kombucha a good choice for everyone?
Kombucha is a fermented drink that is likely to have originated in China and is still enjoyed there today. It is also popular in Eastern Europe, particularly Russia, Japan and Korea. Is it good for us?