March 2022
Slow Cooked Plum Venison Stew Recipe
As we move into the cooler months, our needs for warming foods become greater. Here’s a recipe for a nutritious warming venison stew.
Understanding Intuitive Counselling
We often talk about following our intuition. What exactly is it? It’s our inner knowing, our connection to the truth and what feels right for us.
Does Reiki Really Work?
Taking the time to receive a Reiki treatment allows us to relax and our bodies to heal.
Let’s Talk Liver Detoxification
Find out how best you can support your liver. Lower your intake of toxins and flush stored toxins safely with a detox.
Belief can Change Biology
You’ve been diagnosed with coeliac disease or you have been advised to do an elimination diet by a nutritionist or dietician. What do you do?