Health Tips

  • Gut-soothing Ginger and Slippery Elm Tea

    Gut-soothing Ginger and Slippery Elm Tea

    Slippery elm and ginger have been used for centuries to reduce inflammation and improve gut health.

  • Tips for Boosting Immunity and Building Resilience

    Tips for Boosting Immunity and Building Resilience

    It’s really important to try and support the body when you are feeling unwell. If you are dealing with a virus, many over-the-counter medications only treat the symptoms. These medications don’t support the immune system to fight the virus.

  • Can Reiki Help with Sleep

    Can Reiki Help with Sleep

    A study in 2004 looked at whether Reiki could reduce insomnia and improve sleep patterns. It found that Reiki was a beneficial therapy for sleep problems since it decreased episodes of insomnia and improved sleep patterns. Reiki also had a positive effect on the parasympathetic nervous system, which is associated with relaxation.