Reiki for Long-COVID or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Can Reiki help with Long COVID or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)?

Studies show Reiki helps with Fatigue

There is no research on Reiki and long COVID or CFS per say. However, two studies have shown a positive improvement with Reiki in fatigue.

Many people who have been diagnosed and treated for cancer experience fatigue. A small study undertaken in Canada reported that Reiki was moderately effective at reducing cancer related fatigue and potentially had more broad-ranging effects on overall wellbeing. The good thing with Reiki is that it is safe and can be used as an adjunct to other therapies. 

When comparing Reiki to massage, “Reiki showed a statistically greater improvement for fatigue and anxiety compared with massage therapy” in hospitalised patients. Medications and disrupted sleep can put further stress on the body, making recovery more challenging for some. Reiki alongside conventional treatment can be helpful in the healing process. 

Before having a Reiki session, a full evaluation is always a good idea to rule out any other reasons for your fatigue. If you are suffering from long COVID, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or another ailment, Reiki may help in the following ways:

  • Reiki promotes relaxation, which allows healing to take place at a deeper level.
  • Reiki can help to reduce stress and improve mental wellbeing.
  • Reiki can improve your sleep, your inner balance and support pain management. 

When we become balanced physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally, our immune system can function better and we are able to heal more fully. Think of these four states as the legs of a chair. If one is out of balance, the others will be affected too and you may experience some health wobbles. 

If this resonates with you and you are considering Reiki to help with long-term fatigue, three to six sessions are recommended. Like anything, it takes time for healing to take place. While you are working on this aspect of healing, it would be wise to look at what else you could do physically and mentally to improve your health. 

It is important to remember that sometimes after a Reiki treatment you can typically feel more tired or require more sleep. I recommend you take time to rest after a Reiki session to give your body the support it needs for deep healing. 

Please feel free to contact me directly via email or by phone 021 807498